Kelly Huff
Vice President
Julie Congdon
Kristy Pieklo
Julie Fischer
About the PTO
The Mount Olive Middle School PTO is a partnership between our dedicated teachers, staff, and parents. We work together as a team to further enrich the students school experiences through programs, grants and activities.
We celebrate student diversity and learning. Our three core values are:
- caring for self,
- caring for others and
- caring for our community
Together students, staff, parents and community members share a commitment to make every student’s learning potential a reality by engaging and empowering the MOMS community to advocate for all our students.
The Mount Olive Middle School PTO is a:
✓ Powerful voice for all students
✓ Relevant resource for families and communities
✓ Strong advocate for the education and well-being of every student
The MOPTO supports our school to grow and prosper through community volunteerism and fundraising. We need YOU to accomplish our goals. We need your experience, your input, your thoughts, your concerns and most of all – YOUR PARTICIPATION. We are excited to partner with family and caregivers, administration, teachers and staff to build an even better school experience for our students.
The MOPTO supports Mount Olive Middle School by offering curriculum-based learning events and resources, social, and celebration events made possible via targeted fundraisers and program development through the year. You have great ideas to keep learning engaging and innovative for our children. Money raised by the MOPTO bridges the gap! Your involvement can help in many areas that are vital to the success of our students at MOMS.
Thank you for your support!
Please sign-up and pay membership dues ($12) here.
Become a Volunteer
The MOPTO strives to support the students, parents and education at MOMS by promoting a sense of community through fundraisers, events and give-back programs. All of these activities add to a positive MOMS experience for all of us…and especially for our students. The MOPTO plans, organizes, staffs and implements dozens of activities each year. Families can volunteer as little or as much as possible.
Consider volunteering to help with one or two of the activities listed below. By volunteering you will be helping the MOPTO, the school, your child and the MOMS community. None of the activities listed below gets done without MOPTO volunteers like you.
MOPTO Committee Opportunities
How you can Help? ~ What you can Do? ~ Volunteer as little or as much as you want!
Bagels & Locks / Back to School Night – Welcome students back, process Membership forms and supportSpirit Wear Orders
Dance Chaperones – Supervision of school dance and events 6th Grade Ice Cream Social, Halloween Dance, Spring Dance.
Membership– Present at school events including Back to School Night& Bagels and Locks. Collects forms and fees. Gives the deposit to the treasurer. Enters and updates membership in database. Maintains volunteer list from the membership form for each of the committee chairpersons and circulates. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Box Tops - Collects, sorts, trim, checks dates, bundles, and ships the Box Tops to the appropriate address for processing. Inform students and parents of the program monthly (contests) via email / social media posts. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Yankee Candle Fundraiser – Sends home information via flyers, emails, and social media, places final orders, confirms order upon arrival at MOMS, separates orders by homeroom and sends home orders with each student.
Spirit Wear – Sends home information via flyers, emails, and social media, places final orders, confirms order upon arrival at MOMS, separates orders by homeroom and sends home orders with each student.
6th Grade Fundraising - Raise the funds needed to meet the proposed budget and to work cooperatively with the PTO president and treasurer to account for receipts and disbursements for the fundraising events and activities. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
7th Grade Fundraising - Raise the funds needed to meet the proposed budget and to work cooperatively with the PTO president and treasurer toaccount for receipts and disbursements for the fundraising events and activities. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
8th Grade Fundraising - Raise the funds needed to meet the proposed budget and to work cooperatively with the PTO president and treasurer to account for receipts and disbursements for the fundraising events and activities. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
8th Grade Dance- Raise the funds needed to meet the proposed budget and to work cooperatively with the PTO president and treasurer in accounting for receipts and disbursements for the class dance and activities. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Book Fair – Organize, set-up, process purchases and clean-up the Scholastic Book Fair. Submit paperwork to Scholastic Books for processing. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Valentine’s Day Grams - Send sweet wishes to a MOMS student, teacher, or staff with a Valentine's Day Gram! Heart lollipops and Heart chocolates are only $1 each. Process forms & collect money then distribute to MOMS students and staff. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Wolfe Run - Organize year end Wolfe Run in local neighborhood (route, security, health and wellness, volunteers). Also supports accompanying end of school day events.
Staff Appreciation – Organizes food for the staff lunch (donations, ordering food, etc.). Acknowledges the staff during Teacher Appreciation week with activities and gives small gifts as a token of our appreciation. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Variety Show- This committee produces a show with student performances. Auditions and Rehearsals take place daily after school during the months of January and February. Chairs coordinate the parent volunteers who deal with ticket sales, backstage sound, lights, and curtains, program design and distribution, and who serve as child supervisors and callers during rehearsals and performances. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Teacher Grants - Supports MOMS teachers and staff via grants distributed through the PTO Teacher Grants Committee. The committee is comprised of parent volunteers who meet 3 times a year to review and award grant applications. Participation on this committee is a great way to support our teachers and help them help our students. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Library Helpers - Work with the school librarian to coordinate all author visits to MOMS. In addition, members volunteer to work in the MOMS library and assist in shelving or relabeling books as well as handling special projects as they arise.
Balloons in June – This event is run by 7th grade parents as a fundraiser for their 8th grade dance. 8th Grade families will purchase Balloons for their graduates with a special message. Volunteers will be assigned a section of town to deliver balloon bouquets. Tie the balloons to the home mailbox 1 week before graduation. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Multicultural Fair - This committee aims to share traditions and backgrounds within our rich multicultural community. Activities include a multicultural fair for the students, parents and teachers. All plans must be approved in advance by the executive board.
Nominating Committee – Short-term committee to select nominees for the following year’s PTO officers. (April & May) Parents and Staff required.
Bylaws Committee – Bi-annually review bylaws to ensure they are meeting the needs of the PTO and drafts language for bylaws amendments. They may also help to ensure compliance with bylaws, address membership concerns with the bylaws, adhere to state guidelines on reviewing and amending bylaws, and help guard our PTO’s “good standing” status.
Fundraisers & Events
Yes, MOMS collects Box Tops!
New digital process makes collecting easy.
Our PTO is serious about Box Tops…this extra funding gives us the boost we need to provide teacher grants, student awards & class gifts, and social activities for our students. Please ask your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors to participate too!
Click here for a short video about how to download the app and start “clipping” for MOMS today. If you have physical Box Tops, simply put them in a bag/envelope and send in to MOMS. We'll do the rest!
Thanks in advance for your support.
Please contact the MOPTO with any questions or suggestions
Follow the MOPTO on Social Media: Facebook @momspto | Twitter @MomsPto | Instagram @momsptox
Thank you for your support!
2024-2025 Meetings
MOMS PTO MEETINGS: 7:00 p.m. on Zoom
September 25th
October 29th
November 19th
January 28th
February 25th
March 25th
April 29th
May 27th
MOPTO Agenda
MOPTO President Report
Principal Report and Discussion
Board of Education Update
Treasurer Funding Review
Fundraiser Report
Events & Project Reviews
Questions email